Nota Bene (n.b. note well)

This page is for points of interest from the family histories and associated events.


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The Leysian Mission
An integral part of our history, the Leysian Mission, features in the memory of many family members.
Click here for information on the Mission.


Notes of interest on the Kay Family

Timeline - 1st/2nd generations

Timeline - 3rd/4th generations

Timeline - 5th generation

Timeline - 6th generation

Family connections

The Huguenot Connection

The Chapman Connection

The Australian Connection

The Pritchard Connection

The Oxley Connection

Family occupations

Silversmiths & Goldsmiths

The Printing Trade


Personal history items:

Synopsis of the life of William John Kay

Synopsis of the life of Gladys Florence Kay (Née Denton)

Synopsis of the life of John Kay c1750

Synopsis of the life of Charles Samuel Morris Kay (1779)

Synopsis of the life of Mary Conen 1776

Synopsis of the life of William Kay 1871

Synopsis of the life of Ernest Charles Chapman 1883

Synopsis of the life of Mabel Ethel Chapman 1889

Stories of Australia
Synopsis of the life of
Synopsis of the life of
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